Sunday, December 13, 2009

Best secured loans deal

Does the best secured loan exist?

Secured loans, like personal loans are subject to market forces and competition amongst providers. There are multiple providers whose rates change regularly with low rates of interest being offered to attract customers. Shopping around and comparing secured loans, rather than responding to the first ad you see, means you are more likely to find the best deal for you.
Access the best secured loans deal

Customers who wanted to compare secured loans in the past were often faced with a limited choice of providers to compare. This is because certain secured loan providers only worked with loan brokers and were not available directly to the general public.

uSwitch works directly with Loanmakers and Fluent Money, our approved and trusted brokers to ensure that you can compare the widest selection of secured loans available so you can find the best secured loans deal for you. By working only with reputable brokers and direct secured loan providers we aim to protect you from the pitfalls of borrowing from the wrong type of provider.
Secured loans and bad credit

Secured loans can offer the opportunity to borrow money for customers who have experienced money issues in the past and have damaged their credit history as a result. A secured loan can be your best deal as:

* you are more likely to be accepted for a secured loan rather than a personal loan
* the interest is likely to be more competitive than personal loans which are available to customers with adverse credit
* the repayment term can be longer

However secured loans work because the provider has the security of your property to fall back on if you default on your payment. A secured loan needs a lot of careful thought to ensure you are 100% confident you can meet the monthly payments over a number of years and will not find yourself in a situation where you could lose your home.
Secure your best loan deal now

To find your best secured loans deal use the secured loans calculator. We compare the widest selection of available secured loans available to make finding the best deal quick and easy.

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